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Sacred Circles

As Lightworkers* in an interesting (and sometimes difficult) world, Sacred Circles are where we recharge our spiritual batteries, connect with our spiritual family and grow in our spirituality.  Each Sacred Circle is like a mini-spiritual workshop as they bring in Prayers and Blessings, a lively Presentation and Discussion on a spiritual topic, and a powerful closing Meditation.  The Goddess Sacred Circle also combines elements of meditation, wellness, healing, yoga and movement as its spiritual pathway.  We have several main Circle Facilitators, but also have a number of guest Facilitators.

  • South Broward Sacred Circle in Pembroke Pines, FL meets every two weeks on Tuesday Evenings (7:30-9:30pm).  Facilitators: Revs. Tom and Cathy Norris.  Address: 731 NW 92nd Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024

  • Calle Ocho Sacred Circle in Miami, FL meets every two weeks on Sunday Evenings (7:00-9:00pm).  Facilitator: Rev. Tom Norris.  Address: Salsateros Dance Studio, 14254 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33184

  • South Dade Sacred Circle in Miami, FL meets every two weeks on Sunday Evenings (7:00-9:00pm).  Facilitator: Rev. Tom Norris.   Address:  10700 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 202, Miami, FL 33189

* Lightworkers are those people who came to the planet to give a little more light than they take.  They are often dedicated to making this planet a better place through service and by raising it into the Love vibration.  Anyone can be a Lightworker; it's just that most people are not aware of the Light, the God spark, they carry within.

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